Set Training tokens Frankrijk Pessac ECB 1998 1 cent - 2 euro compleet

€ 1.750,00

Set Training tokens Frankrijk 1 cent - 2 euro

Complete set, zeer zeldzaam
1% van 37.000 sets ongeveer nog in circulatie wordt geschat.

Penning ten behoeve van blinden

Om blinden al vast aan de komende euro te laten wennen zijn er (37.000) muntsets vervaardigd met de afmetingen, het gewicht en de rand van de euro. Het was de bedoeling dat deze sets weer ingeleverd zouden worden na gebruik, maar er zijn toch nog een behoorlijk aantal (ongeveer 1 %) sets blijven liggen. Deze penningen werden in Pessac geslagen in opdracht van de ECB. De waardezijde laat het getal 2 zien en op de andere zijde staan alleen de woorden: "TRAINING TOKEN", alsmede het muntteken van Pessac.
De rand van de 2 euro penning bestaat uit dunne ribbels.
Deze munten komen zowel in originele staat, als ongeldig gemaakt (gewokkeld) voor.
Bron: Roy Anthony

Description from fr.numismata website:

Training Token (according to translation: training coins) of which 37,000 units were minted before the Euro came into existence, so that they be tested by blind people. It was a kind of prototype to train visually impaired people. The training token coins were struck between 18 November 1998 (10 cent and 50 cent coins technical modification date) and 8 May 2001 (distribution date of these coins). These coins were distributed by the state and lent for a few months, then recovered to be destroyed. So many coins could be recovered by the state because these coins were provided with a discharge letter to be signed that committed the organisations to give them back.

They differ slightly from current Euro coins (diameter, weight...) so that these coins aren't used as payment currency in distributors, but the main features are very similar (bimetallic, edge, inscriptions...).

All Training Tokens distributed in Europe were struck in Pessac; you can see the difference at the bottom on the reverse side of each piece.

Only +/- 1% of the coins are in circulation.